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A Debut Poetry
Book by
Susan Seah 

Poetry for Pups, Susan Seah

Awarded as a Gold Medal Book Award Winner by Literary Titan


"Poetry for Pups is a must-read for dog lovers, as it captures the essence of the human-canine relationship and celebrates the joy, laughter, and emotional depth that dogs bring to our lives. Whether you're a devoted dog owner or simply appreciate the beauty of this special bond, this collection is sure to leave a lasting impression. With its heartfelt storytelling and genuine emotion, Susan Seah's debut is a delightful and heartening tribute to our furry best friends."


                                                                                                                                     - Literary Titan

Literary Titan Gold Book

Susan Seah's powerful debut poetry collection expound on her love for our four-legged best friend, family member, soothsayer, and unwavering loyalist. Through each poem, Susan paints vivid portraits of the pups in her life, sharing humorous, heart-warming, and emotional stories of their antics, imagined thoughts and secret conversations with her.

In one poem titled "35", Susan grapples with the heartbreaking reality of the lifespan of dogs and shares her hope for her pup to live to a ripe old age of 35. In another poem titled "I wish you could talk", Susan depicts the longing many dog owners hold to build a deeper connection with their pups through playful conversations. At the heart of her poems lies the intertwining
experiences, unbreakable bond and the mutual love shared between people and their canine companions.

Poetry for Pups is a must read for all dog lovers, and certainly for all dogs with the help of their humans.

Paperback and eBook are Now Available for Sale at:

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Check your favorite local bookstore or retailer for availability.

Book official release date is October 10, 2023.



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Susan Seah, the Author


One of Susan's greatest joys is being a "Tiger Mom" to her adorable beagle, Koa (and previously, to her first beagle love, Mariah), though she often found herself surrendering to her pups' whims and fancies. 


From the moment she became a dog mom over two decades ago, her life has been filled with adventure, inspiration, and unconditional love from her fur babies. 


Besides being a proud parent of her brilliant and mischievous pups, Susan is a corporate and technology lawyer and a passionate advocate for empowerment of women.


Morgan Boyle has always enjoyed being around dogs and was lucky enough to find his sweet little beagle, Koa, who has been a major joy in his life.


His background in art and photography allows him to share a glimpse into his fondness for his canine companions.


Morgan has publicly displayed his photographic work at the Canon Gallery in Honolulu, Hawaii through the “Vision and Discovery”, an event sponsored by Pacific New Media. He was also selected to display his photography three years in a row at “Contemporary Photography in Hawaii”, an annual surveyed exhibition of juried works.

Excerpt from Poetry for Pups

If you could talk


I wish you could talk,

for we would banter nonstop on our walk.

You could tell me the day you had,

if it was fun or was it bad?

I could tell you about my life,

if it was joyous or full of strife.

We would laugh at each other’s jokes,

gossip about other doggies and their folks.

Together, we could sing out loud,

drawing admirers in a crowd.

But most importantly if you could say,

I love you, each and every day.

If only you could talk.

Three French Bullgod Puppies


An Editorial Review


"Poetry for Pups is a must-read for dog lovers, as it captures the essence of the human-canine relationship and celebrates the joy, laughter, and emotional depth that dogs bring to our lives. Whether you're a devoted dog owner or simply appreciate the beauty of this special bond, this collection is sure to leave a lasting impression. With its heartfelt storytelling and genuine emotion, Susan Seah's debut is a delightful and heartening tribute to our furry best friends."


Literary Titan

Dogs with trainer

Reading to Your Pups &
P4P Book Club for Dogs

Join the Movement


Why Read to Your Pup

When we read to our dogs, it can often be mentally stimulating for them as they listen to our soothing voice and words, creating a sense of calm and deeper bond with our furry companions.  If your dog has anxious tendencies, reading to them in a soothing manner can help reduce their anxiety. Establish a routine to read to your dog and over time, your pup will associate these reading sessions as positive enjoyable experiences, often rewarded with extra gentle petting and treats.  


Benefits of a P4P Book Club for Dogs 

Dogs that participate in the book club with their humans will have the opportunity to socialize with a variety of people and dogs ,which can improve their social skills, help build confidence, reduce boredom, and increase comfort around strangers. The humans get to share their reading experiences with the other humans and about the books that their pups love.  The pups get a bit of playtime with other pups and undoubtedly, some yummy treats. What fun reading together as a group with both human and furry friends! 


How to Read to Your Pup

Choose a comfortable location where you and your pup can relax without distractions. Pick a book that suits your pup's temperament (starting with Poetry for Pups, of course!) and get your pup's attention with treats, toys or gentle petting. Once your dog has settled down, read in a calming manner, throwing in their name or a familiar word in between. Keep the reading short at first and certainly reward your pup with treats for paying attention or staying near you during the reading.  Congrats for joining the movement to read to our pups!


Start a P4P Book Club for Dogs

Start by reaching out to your friends, family, co-workers or neighbors who share an interest in reading to their pups to start a P4P Book Club. Decide a place and time for your club to meet and each person takes a turn at choosing a book for everyone to read to their pups at home.  At the next P4P Book Club meeting, the person who selected the book reads their favorite passage to all pup club members and their humans. Everyone then shares their thoughts about the book and their experiences reading the book to their pups.  We celebrate our love of books and our dogs with the shared camaraderie through the P4P Book Club.

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